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CENKRILLON highly cares about your privacy and data protection. We are committed to offering the highest standards of products and services. Thus, we value each of our existing or prospective clients and aim at maintaining appropriate protection of your personal data (“Data”).

This CENKRILLON Privacy Policy explains how CENKRILLON collects and processes your Data when you use our website, app or other digital platforms (“Platforms”), when you purchase CENKRILLON products via our platforms or via our points of sales, when you visit our points of sales, when you fill in and submit one of our Boutique Cards, when you otherwise interact with or are displayed content about CENKRILLON, as required by the data protection laws in the territories in which we do business, such as the European General Data Protection Regulation.

Local-specific amendments referred to below also apply to consumers in those territories and may in some cases set out different standards due to applicable local laws, rules and regulations. If so, the local-specific amendment will govern in the event of a conflict.

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